Useful literature - Individuals & employers

Here you will find all of our key pieces of literature. You’ll find all of our Key Facts documents along with specific guides to our products and services.

Please use the tabs above to browse and download the latest protection customer literature from AIG. For commonly accessed literature, you may also wish to use our frequent downloads section, below.

Frequently downloaded

Discretionary Trust form - single life

Discover more about Discretionary Trusts for a single life policy and how they could be the right option for your client.

DOWNLOAD Updated 02 Aug 19
Registered Group Life - Technical guide

An overview of the Registered Group Life policy. Policy aims, how it works, what is covered and premiums charged.

Download Updated 09 Jun 24
Term Assurance - Key Facts

For more information on YourLife Plan Term Assurance, visit our Key Facts.

Download Updated 26 Feb 24
Guide to Trusts

This guide explains how trusts work for AIG policies.

Download Updated 02 Aug 19