Changing the way we underwrite


Debie Bolton  Debbie Bolton,  Head of Underwriting and Claims Strategy

Thursday 21 September 2017

Blood Test

We want to make buying insurance even easier for our customers which is why we’ve made two significant changes to our underwriting philosophy.

Blood tests

When applying for life cover with AIG Life, applicants who require a medical examination will no longer need to fast before having their blood taken at most medical examinations. This makes the process of having a medical examination more convenient than ever before. Why? Because appointments for blood tests no longer need to take place early in the morning which means we can be more flexible to fit in with our customers' busy lives.

We want to make it easier for our customers to buy insurance and a medical examination can be seen as an inconvenience. This change makes it easier for our customers to book and attend medical examinations and in turn, get the insurance they need in place quickly.


We’ve made it easier for people with diabetes to buy life insurance with us.  A new diabetes rule has been launched in our expert underwriting system which enables people with diabetes to get an instant decision for life insurance in around half of applications*, meaning they can get the insurance they need in place straight away.  The number of questions we ask diabetics has been halved to make the customer journey as simple and straight forward as possible.

With 3.9 million people in the UK having diabetes and prevalence being on the increase, it’s important we make it easier for people with diabetes to get insurance.  Diabetics may think they can’t get life insurance but we offer insurance to around 75%* of applicants with the condition. An increase in premium will usually apply but this can be as low as 25%. The main factors we look at when underwriting diabetes are how well controlled it is, any complications, the age of the applicant and how long they have had diabetes.

Did you know?
  • HbA1c stands for glycated haemoglobin and is the measure used to monitor control of diabetes
  • 90% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes can often be managed by diet and exercise, without the need for medication

We are continually improving the way we underwrite, with our philosophy of 'Start with yes' being at the centre of our decisions.

Why not take a look at our Underwriting and Claims Strategy Manager, Helen Croft, discussing these changes in the video below.

Changing the way we underwrite

Recent underwriting changes to make buying insurance even easier for our customers including: -Changes to make it easier for people with diabetes to buy life insurance -Improvements to blood tests to make them more convenient for our customers


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If you wish to discuss this subject further please contact our Business Development Team on 0345 600 6829.


*AIG Life MI, 2016