Latest adviser articles and blogs

Latest headlines

Young black woman in front of her laptop on a video call
Covid’s other victims: preparing for the surge in critical illness claims

Covid-19 has caused so much change and loss, and now we’re seeing early signs of the wider impact this pandemic’s created. There’s a collective belief across the industry that a spike in critical illness (CI) claims is inevitable.

Underwriting blogs

The future of underwriting

We're making it easy for people to buy – and understand – the insurance they need. Find out how we've improved our underwriting rules and application.

There's no one size fits all underwriting

Simple underwriting is a hot topic. Various propositions have been brought to market in the last year with shorter, faster or streamlined underwriting.

Let’s talk about ‘embarrassing symptoms’

Bowel cancer is the second biggest cancer killer in the UK and accounted for 3% of AIG Life’s critical illness claims last year. Every 30 minutes someone dies from it but it’s largely curable if caught in early stages.

Changing the way we underwrite

We’ve made two significant changes to our underwriting philosophy to make buying insurance even easier...

Setting the pace for medical advancements

They are the size of a matchbox, and saves the lives of 25,000 people a year...

Behind the scenes: Meet our underwriters

Underwriting is fundamental in both the customer experience and in the profitability of life business...

AIG Life's approach to absentees

We explain in a little more detail what we mean by actively at work and why it’s so important...

The deadliest killer you’ve never heard of

Sepsis is a huge, catastrophic overreaction of your immune system when fighting an infection...

HIV: Huge advances bring insurance opportunities

The perception, understanding and treatment of HIV has taken huge leaps...

Support blogs

Things to consider before the new tax year

We know attentions are being drawn to helping your clients maximise their available tax allowances and exemptions. Read on for some planning suggestions to consider for 2020/21.

Our pledge is to go beyond the claim

Our aim is to support your clients through difficult times, be it death, diagnosis of serious illness, or...

End of tax year protection considerations

As the end of the tax year approaches, many financial advisers’ attentions will understandably be drawn to maximising available contributions and tax reliefs...

Group Protection

Young black woman walking and laughing whilst holding a coffee cup and a laptop
The GIP effect: keeping clients and their people at their best

It could make a real difference for your clients knowing their employer’s got their back. And as an adviser, you can help too.

A young man and woman, wearing glasses, looking at an open laptop
Is group life really that expensive?

Group life insurance and price. It’s a common pushback, but do people assume it will be more expensive than it actually is?

Bearded man sat down receiving [hysio from young female physiotherapist
Help your clients with GIP’s early intervention

GIP. Traditionally designed to pay an employee’s salary if they’re off work. But now it’s so much more than more

Smiling young women of colour holds her black labrador puppy in front of her open laptop
Using account managers to look after employee wellbeing

A happy, healthy workforce. It goes hand in hand with the success of any business. Read how we can help.

Why buy Group Income Protection

We take a look at the benefits employers will see when they invest in group income protection.

A guide to trusts: registered vs. excepted

Our quick guide is designed to help you navigate the world of trusts, so that you can advise your clients on the best option for them.

What are capitalisation factors

We explain how we use capitalisation factors for death in service pensions...

AIG Life's approach to absentees

We explain in a little more detail what we mean by actively at work and why it’s so important...

Group protection SME blogs

Young mother with her back turned facing and holding her baby
Unleash value added services

Group protection. It’s there to give employees – and their families – financial support if they die or they’re too ill to work. But there’s more. It’s also there to help them stay happy and healthy.

Young man sitting down smiling in front of laptop with hands behind his head relaxing
Make admin effortless

Admin burden is a thing of the past when using our online adviser portal. With on-demand access to current information, continue to position yourself as an industry expert.

Woman in an orange hi-viz vest laughing whilst on a building site (blurred background)
Group protection. The value to SMEs.

Group protection. It doesn’t benefit employers. It’s simply products benefiting the employees. Right? Well, not quite and here’s why.

Self-insuring your absences and GIP. The difference.

A happy workforce creates a loyal workforce: the group income protection (GIP) difference for SMEs.

Does GIP deserve more of the spotlight in the SME market?

Group income protection is a product all employers should consider. Including SMEs - here's why.

Why grow your group protection SME portfolio?

We take a look at why group protection advisers should be looking to grow their SME portfolio.

How to: highlight the value of group protection through Smart Health

Employees are making the most of value added benefits like Smart Health. Here's how you can too.